Atlas MultiTrip is a travel medical insurance plan that provides international health coverage for multiple trips in a one-year period. The plan covers any number of pre-planned or last-minute trips in a 364-day period, with coverage for trips up to 30 or 45 days, depending on the chosen option. It is designed for frequent international travelers, including business travelers seeking a budget-friendly health insurance solution and international travelers who take multiple trips abroad each year. Atlas MultiTrip provides coverage for unexpected medical expenses, including eligible expenses related to COVID-19. The plan is administered worldwide by WorldTrips and underwritten by Lloyds, the oldest insurance market in the world. The plan is suitable for frequent visitors to the USA or international travelers taking multiple trips outside their home country, with eligibility of up to 76 years Atlas MultiTrip Is Designed for:

  • Business travelers seeking a budget-friendly health insurance solution for frequent international work travel
  • International travelers who take multiple trips abroad each year

Key Highlights:

  • Offers coverage for Acute onset of Pre-Existing Condition
  • Deductibles $250 per covered trip
  • Coinsurance the plan pays 100% of eligible expenses after the deductible up to the overall maximum limit
  • Up to $1,000,000 of Overall Maximum Coverage
  • Up to $1,000,000 for Emergency Medical Evacuation
  • Up to $25,000 for Personal Liability
  • Includes medical coverage for eligible expenses related to COVID-19
  • Ability to add coverage for your spouse and/or child(ren)
  • Trip Interruption/Political Evacuation/ Natural Disaster Evacuation/Emergency Reunion/Lost Checked Baggage/Accidental Death & Dismemberment/Common Carrier Accidental Death/Personal Liability/Trip Interruption/Return of Minor Children/Border Entry Protection
Key Highlights

Best Suitable Plan For

Parents visiting USA
Non-US Citizens visiting USA
B1/B2 Visa Holders to the USA
Plan Details

Insurance Provider


Plan Underwriter

Lloyd’s of London

Plan Rating

A.M. Best Rating: A

Plan Category

Annual Travel Medical Insurance

Plan Eligibility
U.S. Citizens and non-U.S. Citizens who are at least fourteen (14) days of age and up to 75 years of age, and who maintain insurance providing coverage while in their home country, are eligible for this plan. Spouses and/or dependent child(ren) (under age 19) may be covered provided they also meet the requirements.

U.S. Citizens and residents are not eligible for coverage within the U.S, except as provided under an eligible benefit period. Should you make a change to the location of your home country during the certificate period, you are no longer eligible for coverage in the new home country except as provided under home country coverage as of the date you establish the new home country.
Policy Maximum, Deductibles & Medical Coverage Limits

Overall Maximum Limit


Maximum per Injury / Illness



$250 per covered trip


We will pay 100% of eligible expenses after the deductible up to the overall maximum limit.

Pre-Existing Conditions

Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Conditions

Up to the overall maximum limit
Up to $25,000 lifetime maximum for Emergency Medical Evacuation

Emergency Coverage

Emergency Room Co-Payment

Claims incurred in the U.S.
You shall be responsible for a $200 co-payment for each use of emergency room for an illness unless you are admitted to the hospital.
There will be no co-payment for emergency room treatment of an injury

Claims incurred outside the U.S.
No co-payment

Local Ambulance

Usual, reasonable and customary charges, only when covered illness or injury results in hospitalization as inpatient

Emergency Medical Evacuation

Up to $1,000,000 lifetime maximum, except as provided under *Acute Onset of Pre-existing Condition
– not subject to deductible or overall maximum limit


Outpatient Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Care

Up to $50 maximum per day. Must be ordered in advance by a physician

Urgent Care Center Co-Payment

Claims incurred in the U.S.
For each visit, you shall be responsible for a $15 co-payment
– not subject to deductible

Claims incurred outside the U.S.
No co-payment


Hospital Room and Board

Average semi-private room rate, including nursing services

Hospital Intensive Care Unit

Up to the overall maximum limit

Dental Coverage

Emergency Dental (Acute Onset of Pain)

Up to $300 – not subject to deductible

Travel Coverage

Repatriation of Remains

Equal to the elected overall maximum limit
– not subject to deductible or coinsurance
This limit is for this benefit only and is not included in or subject to the overall maximum limit

Emergency Reunion

Up to $100,000, subject to a maximum of 15 days – not subject to deductible

Return of minor Child(ren)

Up to $50,000 – not subject to deductible

Trip Interruption

Up to $10,000 – not subject to deductible

Lost Checked Luggage

Up to $1,000 – not subject to deductible

Additional Coverage Options

Optional Crisis Response Rider With Natural Disaster Evacuation

Up to $90,000 With a $10,000 maximum for Natural Disaster Evacuation
Not subject to deductible or overall maximum limit

Optional Personal Liability Rider

Up to $75,000 Lifetime Maximum
Not subject to deductible or overall maximum limit

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