Patriot America Lite is a comprehensive travel medical insurance plan designed for non-U.S. residents traveling to the United States. The area of coverage is worldwide excluding the insured person's country of residence. Patriot America Lite is ideal for international vacationers, relatives visiting from overseas, international business travelers, and individuals seeking basic coverage and benefits at an affordable price. The plan is a cost-efficient travel medical insurance option for visitors and can be purchased online. It is an affordable and widely recognized visitors health insurance plan. The coverage duration ranges from 5 days to 365 days. The minimum age for coverage is 14 days old and up to 99 years old. The plan offers policy maximums ranging from $50,000 to $1,000,000 and various deductible options ranging from $0 to $2,500. In the U.S. after the deductible is satisfied within the PPO network, the plan will pay 100% of eligible medical expenses up to the policy maximum insured pays 0%. Outside the PPO network, the plan pays 80%, insured pays 20% of eligible medical expenses. Patriot America Lite plan provides coverage for medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, and other travel benefits. It participates in the United Healthcare PPO network, providing access to a wide network of physicians and hospitals across the USA. The plan does not offer coverage for pre-existing conditions and Covid-19. Patriot America Lite is underwritten by SiriusPoint Specialty Insurance Corporation and is rated A- "Excellent" by A.M. Best.

Key Highlights:

  • Overall Maximum Limit Up to $1,000,000
  • Deductible $0 to $2,500
  • Coinsurance (In-Network) 100% up to the Maximum Limit
  • Coinsurance (Out-of-Network) 80% up to $5,000, then 100%
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation Up to $1,000,000
  • Emergency Reunion Up to $100,000
  • Natural Disaster Evacuation UP to $25,000 Maximum
  • Political Evacuation and Repatriation Up to $100,000
  • Return Of Minor Children Up to $100,000
  • Terrorism Up to $ 50,000 Lifetime maximum
  • Coverage for Accidental Death and dismemberment, Common Carrier Accidental Death, Incidental Trip, Personal Liability
  • Urgent Care, Emergency Local Ambulance, Prescription Drugs and Medication, Dental Treatment, Emergency Eye Examination, Hospital Indemnity, Identity Theft, Natural Disaster
Key Highlights

Best Suitable Plan For

Parents visiting USA
Non-US Citizens visiting USA
B1/B2 Visa Holders to the USA
Plan Details

Insurance Provider

International Medical Group (IMG)

Plan Underwriter

SiriusPoint Speciality Insurance Corporation

Plan Rating

A.M. Best Rating: A

Plan Category

Travel Medical Insurance

Plan Type

Comprehensive Coverage

PPO Network

United Healthcare PPO Network

Plan Eligibility


For non U.S residents traveling internationally, including the USA
For U.S citizens living abroad and visiting the USA for a short trip

Age for Coverage

14 days to 99 years

Coverage Duration

Minimum of 5 days to a maximum of 365 days


Yes, up to 365 days

Purchase Restrictions

Purchase Restrictions

Not available if Home Country/Country of Residences are: Botswana (BWA), Cuba (CUB), Gambia (GMB), Ghana (GHA), Iran (IRN), Kosovo (XKX), Niger (NER), Nigeria (NGA), North Korea (PRK), Puerto Rico (PRI), Sierra Leone (SLE), Syria (SYR), United States (USA), Venezuela (VEN) & Virgin Islands (USA) (VIR)

Not available for Citizens of: Botswana (BWA), Gambia (GMB), Ghana (GHA), Kosovo (XKX), Niger (NER), Nigeria (NGA) & Sierra Leone (SLE)

Not Available for Purchase from the Following U.S. States/Territories: Maryland (MD) & New York (NY)

Note: These U.S state restrictions are only applicable for purchase. The policy will still cover travelers visiting and temporarily staying in these U.S states

Not available to individuals who non U.S citizens residing in the states of: Maryland (MD)

Note: These U.S state restrictions are only applicable for purchase. The policy will still cover travelers visiting and temporarily staying in these U.S states

Policy Maximum, Deductibles & Medical Coverage Limits

Period of Coverage

5 days up to 12 months

Period of Coverage limit

• Through age 69: $50,000, $100,000, $500,000 or $1,000,000
• Ages 70 to 79: $50,000
• Ages 80 and older: $10,000

Deductible Options

$0, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or $2,500 per Insured Person, as indicated on the Declaration

Coinsurance (In-Network)

100% up to the maximum limit

Coinsurance (Out-of-Network)

80% up to $5,000, then 100%

Emergency Coverage

Ambulance Expenses

In-Network: 100% covered up to policy maximum
Out-of-Network: 80% covered for first $5,000
100% covered thereafter

Emergency Room(ER)

In-Network: 100% covered up to policy maximum
Out-of-Network: 80% covered for first $5,000
100% covered thereafter
Separate deductible of $250 applies to ER visit for illness that does not result in direct inpatient hospital admission


Dr. / Physician Visit

In-Network: 100% covered up to policy maximum
Out-of-Network: 80% covered for first $5,000
100% covered thereafter, up to policy maximum

Urgent Care

$25 co-pay applies for Urgent Care
$15 co-pay applies to walk in clinics
Co-pay waived if $0 deductible is chosen
In-Network: 100% covered up to policy maximum
Out-of-Network: 80% covered for first $5,000
100% covered thereafter

Surgical Treatment

In-Network: 100% covered by insurance up to policy maximum
Out-of-Network: 80% covered for first $5,000
100% covered thereafter, up to policy maximum

Prescription Drugs / Medicines

Up to policy maximum

Lab & X-rays

In-Network: 100% covered up to policy maximum
Out-of-Network: 80% covered for first $5,000
100% covered thereafter up to policy maximum

Physical Therapy

In-Network: 100% covered up to policy maximum
Out-of-Network: 80% covered for first $5,000
100% covered thereafter up to policy maximum


Hospital Room

In-Network: 100% covered up to policy maximum
Out-of-Network: 80% covered for first $5,000
100% covered thereafter up to the policy maximum

Surgical Treatment

In-Network: 100% covered up to policy maximum
Out-of-Network: 80% covered for first $5,000.
100% covered thereafter

Hospital Intensive Care Unit

In-Network: 100% covered up to policy maximum
Out-of-Network: 80% covered for first $5,000
100% covered thereafter

Dental Coverage

Unexpected Pain Or Treatment Due To An Accident

Up to $300

Traumatic Dental Injury

In-Network: 100% covered up to policy maximum
Out-of-Network: 80% covered for first $5,000
100% covered thereafter

Travel Coverage

Emergency Medical Evacuation / Repatriation

Up to $1,000,000

Return of Remains

Up to the period of coverage limit for return of mortal remains to the insured’s home country or up to $5,000 for the preparation, local burial and cremation of your mortal remains at the place of death

Emergency Reunion

Up to $100,000. Not subject to deductible but must be approved beforehand

Return of minor Child(ren)

Up to $100,000. Not subject to deductible but must be approved beforehand

Return Travel

Up to $10,000

Loss of checked Baggage

$50 per item up to $500 maximum per period of coverage

Additional Coverage Options

Terrorism Coverage

Up to $50,000 Maximum Limit

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