The Safe Travels USA plan is a comprehensive international travel medical insurance plan designed for non-US citizens who reside outside the USA and are traveling outside their home country to visit solely the U.S. or to visit a combination of U.S. and other countries worldwide. The plan is ideal for parents, family members, friends, and international tourists visiting the U.S. The plan is available from 5 days up to 364 days. The minimum age for coverage is 14 days old and up to 89 years old. It is available for policy maximums from $50,000 to $1,000,000 and various deductibles ranging from $0 to $5,000. after the deductible is satisfied the plan pays 90% of the first $2,500 eligible medical expenses then 100% up to the policy maximum. It offers coverage for unexpected recurrence of a pre-existing condition. The plan provides medical benefits such as, dental treatment, cardiac condition, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation of remains, accidental death and dismemberment. It also offers optional coverage like Return to home country and sports activity coverage. The plan covers COVID-19 like any other eligible medical condition. The plan is not designed to cover US residents and citizens. It is available for individuals aged up to 89 years. The Safe Travels USA plan is underwritten by Crum and Forster SPC and the plan administrator is TRAWICK International.

Key Highlights:

  • Offers coverage For Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Conditions
  • Overall Maximum Limit Up to $1,000,000
  • Coinsurance 90% of the first $2,500, then 100% up to the Policy Maximum
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation Up to $2,000,000
  • Medically Necessary Repatriation Up to $15,000
  • Emergency Reunion Up to $15,000
  • Political Evacuation Up to $25,000
  • Well doctor visit Up to 125
  • Covid-19 covered as any other illness
  • Urgent Care, Prescription Drugs, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, Coma Benefit
Safe Travels USA Plan is not available to U.S. citizens. It covers non-US citizens while traveling to the USA and then going to other countries.
Key Highlights

Best Suitable Plan For

Parents visiting USA
Non-US Citizens visiting USA
B1/B2 Visa Holders to the USA
Plan Details

Insurance Provider

Trawick International

Plan Underwriter

Crum & Forster, SPC

Plan Rating

A.M. Best Rating: A

Plan Category

Travel Medical Insurance

Plan Type

Comprehensive Coverage

PPO Network

United Healthcare PPO Network

Plan Eligibility


For non-U.S. residents and non-U.S. Citizens, traveling to the USA or USA and then other countries

For ages 14 days to 89 years

Not available to anyone age 90 or above

Not available to any individual who has been residing within the U.S. for more than 364 days prior to their effective date

Policy Maximum, Deductibles & Medical Coverage Limits

Emergency Medical & Hospitalization Policy Maximum

$50,000, $100,000, $250,000, $500,000 or $1,000,000

Deductible Options

$0, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500, $5,000


90% of the first $2,500 then 100% up to thePolicy Maximum

Pre-Existing Conditions

Unexpected recurrence of a pre-existing condition

Up to $1,000

Emergency Coverage

Emergency Local Ambulance


Emergency Room(ER)

Additional $200 deductible applies to ER visits for sickness that does not lead to hospitalization


Dr. / Physician Visit


Urgent Care

$30 per incident – If the $0 Deductible is chosen, there is no Co-Pay

Surgical Treatment


Prescription Drugs / Medicines

Prescription Medicine – Covered

Lab & X-rays


Physical Therapy

Limited to $50 per visit per day (10 visits)


Hospital Room

The average semi-private room rate

Surgical Treatment


Hospital Intensive Care Unit

3 times the average semi-private room rate

Dental Coverage

Dental Treatment

Up to $250 for injury, for pain to sound natural teeth

Travel Coverage

Emergency Medical Evacuation

Up to $2,000,000

Repatriation of Remains

Up to $50,000

Emergency Reunion


Return of minor Child(ren)


Trip Interruption


Loss of checked Baggage


Additional Coverage Options

Sports Activity Coverage

Up to $50,000 per Policy Period

Accidental Death & Dismemberment




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