VisitorSecure is a fixed-benefit limited coverage renewable travel medical insurance plan designed for visitors traveling anywhere outside of their home country including the USA or for traveling outside America, It is a fixed-dollar-based limited coverage plan, paying a pre-defined fixed dollar amount for every service or treatment. U.S. citizens must be traveling outside of the continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands in order to be eligible. VisitorSecure is a budget-friendly plan. Offering low-cost, affordable value with quoted premium rates, and is ideal for tourists, visitors, and business travelers. The plan is extendable and renewable for up to 364 days and is suitable for individuals below age 69, ages 70 to 79, and ages 80 and above. The plan is available from 5 days up to 364 days. The minimum age for coverage is 14 days old. The plan offers deductible options ranging from $0 to $200. VisitorSecure offers coverage for Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Conditions for individuals below 70 years of age. The plan provides coverage for inpatient and outpatient hospital medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, common carrier accidental death and dismemberment and other travel benefits. VisitorSecure covers Covid-19 like any other covered medical condition. VisitorSecure is underwritten by Lloyd's of London, the oldest and largest insurance market in the world. The plan is administered by WorldTrips (formerly Tokio Marine HCC – Medical Insurance Services Group).

Key Highlights:

  • Offers coverage for Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Conditions
  • Overall Maximum Limit Up to $130,000
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation Up to $50,000
  • Repatriation Of Remains up to $25,000
  • Local Burial and Cremation Up to $5,000
  • Common Carrier Accidental Death & Dismemberment Up to $25,000
  • COVID-19 coverage included
VisitorSecure is not available to individuals who are physically located in the state of NY at time of purchase.
Key Highlights

Best Suitable Plan For

Parents visiting USA
Non-US Citizens visiting USA
B1/B2 Visa Holders to the USA
Plan Details

Insurance Provider


Plan Underwriter

Lloyd’s of London

Plan Rating

A.M. Best Rating: A

Plan Category

Travel Medical Insurance

Plan Type

Limited Coverage

PPO Network

United Healthcare PPO Network

Plan Eligibility


For international travelers traveling anywhere outside their home country including the U.S.

Age for Coverage

14 days to 89 years

Coverage Duration

Minimum of 5 days to a maximum of 364 days


Yes, up to 364 days

Purchase Restrictions
Not Available for the following Destination Countries: Belarus (BLR), Cuba (CUB), Iran (IRN), Israel (ISR), Mayotte (MYT), North Korea (PRK), Russia (RUS), Syria (SYR) & Ukraine (UKR)

Not available if Home Country/Country of Residences are: Cuba (CUB), Iran (IRN), Myanmar (MMR), North Korea (PRK), Syria (SYR) & Ukraine (UKR)

Not available for Citizens of: Cuba (CUB), Iran (IRN), Myanmar (MMR), North Korea (PRK) & Ukraine (UKR)

Not available to individuals who are physically located in the states of: Washington (WA), New York (NY) & Maryland (MD)
Note: These U.S state restrictions are only applicable for purchase. The policy will still cover travelers visiting and temporarily staying in these U.S states

Not available to individuals who are physically located in the country of Australia (AUS) & Canada (CAN)
For individuals coming to the US who are over age 65, coverage must begin within 30 days of arrival
Overall Policy Maximum

Ages 14 Days - 59 Years

Plan A : $50,000
Plan B : $75,000
Plan C : $100,000
Plan D : $130,000

Ages 60 - 69 Years

Plan A : $50,000
Plan B : $75,000
Plan C : $100,000

Ages 70 - 79 Years

Plan A : $50,000
Plan B : $75,000

Ages 80 - 89 Years

Plan A : $10,000

Deductible Options

Ages 14 Days - 59 Years

Plan A : $0, $50, or $100
Plan B : $0, $50, or $100
Plan C : $0, $50, or $100
Plan D : $0, $50, or $100

Ages 60 - 69 Years

Plan A : $0, $50, or $100
Plan B : $0, $50, or $100
Plan C : $0, $50, or $100

Ages 70 - 79 Years

Plan A : $100 or $200
Plan B : $100 or $200

Ages 80 - 89 Years

Plan A : $100 or $200

Pre-Existing Conditions

*Acute Onset of **Pre-Existing Condition(only available to members under age 70)

Plan A : $50,000 lifetime maximum for eligible expenses
Plan B : $75,000 lifetime maximum for eligible expenses
Plan C : $100,000 lifetime maximum for eligible expenses
Plan D : $100,000 lifetime maximum for eligible expenses

Emergency Coverage

Emergency Room(ER)

Plan A : $375 maximum
Plan B : $485 maximum
Plan C : $600 maximum
Plan D : $785 maximum

Local Ambulances

$500 maximum


Dr. / Physician Visit

Plan A : $70 per visit, 10 visits max
Plan B : $85 per visit, 10 visits max
Plan C : $100 per visit, 10 visits max
Plan D : $130 per visit, 10 visits max

Urgent Care

Plan A : $70 per visit, 10 visits max
Plan B : $85 per visit, 10 visits max
Plan C : $100 per visit, 10 visits max
Plan D : $130 per visit, 10 visits max

Surgical Treatment

Plan A : $3,300 per session
Plan B : $4,400 per session
Plan C : $5,500 per session
Plan D : $7,150 per session

Prescription Drugs / Medicines

Plan A : $150 maximum
Plan B : $200 maximum
Plan C : $250 maximum
Plan D : $300 maximum

Lab & X-rays

Plan A : $500, plus $400 for one CAT Scan, MRI or PET
Plan B : $550, plus $450 for one CAT Scan, MRI or PET
Plan C : $600, plus $500 for one CAT Scan, MRI or PET
Plan D : $750, plus $650 for one CAT Scan, MRI or PET

Physical Therapy

$40 maximum per visit, 12 visits maximum


Hospital Room and Board,Including Miscellaneous

Plan A : $1,450 per day, maximum 30 days
Plan B : $1,725 per day, maximum 30 days
Plan C : $2,000 per day, maximum 30 days
Plan D : $2,585 per day, maximum 30 days

Intensive Care Unit, including miscellaneous

Plan A : $2,200 per day, maximum 8 days
Plan B : $2,600 per day, maximum 8 days
Plan C : $3,000 per day, maximum 8 days
Plan D : $3,800 per day, maximum 8 days

Surgical Treatment

Plan A : $3,600 per session
Plan B : $4,800 per session
Plan C : $6,000 per session
Plan D : $7,800 per session

Dental Coverage


Plan A : $550
Plan B : $550
Plan C : $550
Plan D : $550

Travel Coverage

Emergency Medical Evacuation

$50,000 lifetime maximum, except as provided under *acute onset of **pre-existing condition
Available only to members under age 70

Repatriation of remains

$25,000 per member

Local burial & cremation

$5,000 per member

Additional Coverage Options

Common carrier accidental death & dismemberment

$25,000 lifetime maximum principal sum per member
Death or loss of two limbs – principal sum
Loss of one limb – one-half the principal sum

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