Complete Review of Liaison Travel Insurance
When traveling abroad, a travel insurance plan offers travelers with benefits that cover medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation coverage, and even non-insurance-related travel assistance.
Travel Medical Insurance not only pays for eligible medical expenses but may also cover expenses for trip interruption and baggage protection.
Seven Corners Travel Insurance has been providing US residents and international travelers with travel medical insurance for the past 29 years.
They have very competitive travel health insurance plans for international travelers under their “ Liaison” flagship.
We keep providing travel insurance companies and plan reviews to help you make a better choice when selecting travel insurance for your needs.
Liaison Travel Insurance Medical Plans
Liaison Travel Insurance Medical Plans offers short-term major medical insurance for travelers who are traveling outside the USA for up to 6 months.
Seven Corners offers four travel medical insurance under the Liaison travel insurance coverage program. This is an international travel insurance plan providing coverage for travel outside your home country, the United States.
- Liaison Travel Basic
The Seven Corners Liaison Travel Basic Plan is for travel outside the home country. Additionally, it is only for those international travelers whose itineraries do not include travel within the United States. This Liaison travel economy insurance plan (Liaison Travel Basic) offers good medical benefits as well as limited but useful travel benefits.
Medical Coverage and Deductibles
For those who are 80 years old, the maximum medical coverage is limited to $ 10,000/-
For those between the ages of 69 and 79, maximum medical coverage is limited to $ 100,000/-
For those who are aged 69 or under, medical options range from $ 50,000/- to $ 5,000,000/-
There is a range of deductible limits to choose from to suit your travel insurance and medical coverage budget.
Pre-existing conditions
Under this travel medical insurance plan, there is a look-back period of three years. Coverage for unexpected recurrence of a pre-existing condition for US residents traveling outside the home country is available. The coverage benefits maximum varies as per the age of the traveler.
A 100% co-insurance clause for travel outside the US i.e., home country is included in this travel insurance plan. After the traveler pays the selected deductible, the plan pays 100% up to the maximum medical limit.
Hazardous Activity Rider
An optional hazardous activity rider can be added to this travel insurance plan, offering coverage for activities such as hang gliding, skiing, or bungee jumping.
- Liaison Travel Choice
Individuals traveling outside their home countries can purchase this travel insurance plan. Individuals and families, including unmarried dependent children traveling outside their home country, are eligible to buy Liaison Travel Choice Insurance.
Medical Coverage and Deductibles
For people up to 79 years, the policy maximum is available up to $ 5,000,000/- and reduced to $ 15,000/- for people above 80 years.
The maximum life span of the plan is 365 days. If initially, less than 365 days of coverage are bought, additional time may be purchased up to a maximum total of 364 days. The plan is renewable and does not offer coverage for Covid- 19.
Pre-existing conditions
Acute onset of pre-existing conditions is covered up to $ 30,000/-up to the age of 69 years. For people above the age of 70 years, coverage of $ 5,000/- Is available.
The co-insurance factor applicable to this travel insurance plan pays 100% for outside of the US. In the United States, the plan pays 90% up to the first $ 5000/-for within the PPO network treatment and thereafter 100% to the medical policy maximum. Outside the PPO network, 80% for the first $ 5000/- is paid and then 100% to the medical policy maximum.
- Liaison Travel Elite
The Liaison Travel Elite Insurance Plan Is comprehensive visitor insurance for visitors to the USA for travel outside their home country.
It offers medical coverage and emergency health services to individuals and families visiting the USA or traveling outside the home country. It is an ideal visitor health insurance for parents visiting the USA and tourists and travelers to the United States.
Medical Coverage and Deductibles
The plan offers maximum coverage from $ 50,000/- to $ 5,000,000/-. For travelers who are 80 years and older, the maximum coverage is $ 20,000/- And for travelers between the ages of 70 to 79, the maximum coverage is $ 50,000/-
The duration of the plan is from 5 days to an initial maximum period of three years. Deductible options range from $ 0/- to $5,000/-
Pre-existing conditions
For non-US residents traveling to the United States, acute onset of a pre-existing condition is covered up to $ 50,000/- for travelers aged below 70. For travelers who are 70 Plus, the coverage is $ 10,000/-.Emergency services and assistance are limited to $ 25,000/-
There is no coinsurance for treatment received outside the United States. The plan is 100% of eligible expenses to the medical maximum.
- Liaison Travel Plus insurance
The Liaison Travel Plus Plan is available to International Travellers whose itinerary does not include travel within the United States. Additionally, travelers must travel outside their home country. The coverage duration under the Liaison Travel Plus plan is available is from 5 days to 364 days.
Medical Coverage and Deductibles
The liaison travel plus plan is available for travelers up to the age of 74. Limited medical options are available for travelers between the ages of 65 and 74.
Like the Liaison Basic Plan, this plan offers customizable options for emergency medical coverage as well as customizable deductible amounts.
It offers a higher amount of coverage for lost baggage, trip interruption, terrorism, etc. It includes a benefit that covers medical expenses if you are infected with Covid-19.
Pre-existing conditions
The Liaison Travel Plus Plan’s look-back period for pre-existing conditions is one year for those traveling outside the USA. There is also coverage for an unexpected occurrence of a pre-existing condition for US residents traveling outside the United States. The benefit maximum varies with age.
Coinsurance Liaison Travel Plus insurance is similar to the Liaison Travel Choice Plan.
- Liaison Student Plan
Travel plans under this section are specially curated to provide students, faculty, and spouses with insurance. Liaison Student plan provides student insurance for travelers to the USA and all over the world and protection for U.S. residents traveling internationally.
Student insurance can be bought by the traveler for self, their spouse, and dependents if the individual is a full-time student, faculty member, or scholar.
A person is also eligible for a Liaison Student Plan if he/she is involved In full-time educational research activities. It is mandatory that the student must be traveling outside the home country and should be between the age-band of 12 to 65 years.
The student insurance plan meets travel insurance requirements for most types of visas. Even if the traveler’s visa program or their work or study abroad program doesn’t require student medical insurance, it’s important to have protection.
There is a choice between Liaison Student Basic Plan and Liaison Student Plus Plan.
- Liaison Student Basic Plan
The coverage length is 5 days to 364 days. The covered ages are between 14 days to 64 years. The maximum coverage is $ 5,000,000/-. Deductible options are $ 0/-, which is available only for trips excluding the USA, and $ 50/-,$ 100/-, and $ 250/-.
Core insurance options within the PPO network, inside the United States, the plan pays 80% of the first $5,000/- and 100% to the medical maximum thereafter.
For Out of the PPO network, the plan pays 70% of the first $ 5,000/- and 100% to the medical maximum thereafter. The Liaison Student Basic Plan pays 100 % coinsurance outside the United States.
Acute onset of pre-existing conditions is covered up to $5,000/-.Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation are covered for up to $ 100,000/-
- Liaison Student Plus Plan
This plan offers the highest level of coverage and includes coverage for Covid-19. The coverage length extends from 5 days to 365 days.
The maximum coverage under this plan also is $ 5,000,000/-. The coinsurance option within the USA and in the PPO network If 90% of the first $ 5,000/-Followed by a hundred percent to the medical maximum. Outside the United States, the conference options are 100%.
Telehealth consultation and care are available under the plan. During the initial 364 days of coverage, acute onset of pre-existing conditions is covered for up to $10,000/-
Annual coverage is renewable up to the age of 65. It has the advantage of meeting the insurance requirements of most visas.
This plan covers illnesses, injuries, mental and chiropractic care and includes evacuation, repatriation, and coverage for other travel medical concerns. Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation are covered up to $ 250,000/-.
Seven Corners Travel Insurance offers a variety of plans for worldwide travelers. Travel insurance emergency medical benefits, flexible limits, and a varied choice of deductibles are offered by the company.
Seven Corners Travel Insurance products are perfect for short and long-term international travel. Their plans provide 24/7 customer service, optional coverage, and several trip lengths, topped with an easy claim process.
Seven Corners Travel Insurance are expert Insurers with their customers at the heart of their insurance plans.
Seven Corners Travel Insurance review on Trust Pilot has a rating of four (4) stars.