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 Hop! Mindoro Travel Assistance for Pre-Existing Conditions

Hop! Mindoro Travel Assistance for Pre-Existing Conditions

Hop Mindoro is a comprehensive travel assistance membership program providing fixed benefits for eligible Medical, Travel, legal, Personal, and Security Assistance for Travelers traveling anywhere in the world, outside their home country.

Here Fixed Benefits mean this membership pays out pre-determined amounts of benefits (As listed in the membership subscription agreement).

The Mindoro Plan covers Pre-Existing Conditions (Including benefits for the worsening of Stable, Chronic Pre-Existing Conditions).

Pre Existing conditions are eligible for benefits as follows:

  • Non-Life Threatening in Nature: Up to Pre-Existing Medical Assistance Level
  • Life-Threatening in Nature: Up to the Medical Assistance Level

Note: This is a travel assistance membership program, it is not an insurance plan, but it does provide medical assistance and offers almost all benefits that a travel insurance product does.

Hop! membership is:

  • Available to: Non-US Residents
  • Not Available to: US Residents

Hop’s Mindoro plan provides medical assistance for New sicknesses, Accidents, and Pre-Existing Conditions assistance service for:

  • Out-Patient (ER, Urgent Care, Doctor Visit)
  • In-Patient (Hospitalization, Intensive Care Unit)

Additional Benefits:

  • Priority Pass Airport Lounge Access
  • Doctor Please
  • VIP Airport Assistance
  • SmartDelay

Mindoro plan is best for:

View this short video on Hop! Mindoro

Advantages of Hop! Mindoro

The plan offers fixed benefits for medical, travel, and security assistance to travelers worldwide. It provides assistance for travelers visiting anywhere in the world outside their home country offering the following:

Fixed Benefits for Peace of Mind:

The Membership pays out a predetermined amount of benefits as listed in the membership subscription agreement (You know exactly what to expect in case something goes wrong on your trip).

Coverage for Pre-Existing Conditions:

Pre-Existing conditions are always a cause of concern for travelers visiting anywhere worldwide. This plan includes benefits for the worsening of stable, chronic pre-existing conditions.

Comprehensive Medical Assistance:

The plan offers medical assistance ensuring you receive the care you need for new sicknesses, accidents, and pre-existing conditions,

It also covers:

  • Out-Patient assistance (Urgent care, Emergency Room Visits, Doctor Visits) as well as
  • In-Patient Services ( Intensive Care Unit, Hospitalization)

Hassle-Free Claims and Assistance:

The plan features Hop! Assist, a reliable partner that takes care of everything for your seamless travel experience.

With Hop! Assist, you benefit from 24/7 responsive claims and emergency travel and medical assistance, accessible from any device, at any time, and at any place.

Hop! Assist takes care from:

  • Processing your claims
  • Coordinating with medical providers
  • Determining eligibility
  • Handling evacuation and repatriation services

Global Travel Support:

Not bound by geographical limitations, The Plan provides Travel, Medical, Personal and legal assistance to travelers traveling anywhere worldwide outside their home country

Direct billing with In-Network Providers:

A very important feature of Hop! Assist, It reduces out-of-pocket expenses of the members by arranging direct billing with in-network providers on behalf of the members

Trip Protection for Unforeseen Circumstances:

It’s a worry as Unexpected, Unwanted situations can always disrupt your travel plans, Hop! offers a range of services ensuring your plans stay on Track

  • Trip Cancellation Assistance: The program provides trip cancellation assistance and reimbursement for non-refundable expenses.
  • Trip Delay Coverage: In case your trip is delayed the program offers trip delay coverage. It reimburses for additional expenses (for Meals, Transportation, and Accommodation) incurred due to the delay
  • Missed Connection Coordination: There are always chances of a missed connection. In such a situation Hop! coordinates alternative travel arrangements to get you to your destination as quickly as possible
  • Baggage Delay and Lost Bag Search: If the baggage is delayed or lost, offer assistance to help you locate your baggage and arrange for its delivery. Also offers coverage for expenses incurred due to baggage delay and loss.
  • Flight Rebooking: In case of flight cancellation or delays, Assistance is provided for rebooking your travel arrangements.
  • Legal and Personal Assistance: When traveling to unfamiliar places there are always chances of having legal and personal challenges.
    • A dedicated legal assistance team is always available to provide advice & support on
      • local laws
      • Visas, Immigration
      • legal proceedings
    • A personal assistance team is also available if you need help with Non-Medical needs such as
      • Language Translation
      • Recommendations
      • Assistance for arranging Transportation
      • Assistance for Reservations

Hop Mindoro Plan Basics

This is a Travel Assistance Membership Program, it is not a travel insurance product.

  • With Hop Travel Assist Products You will find Terms like:
    • Hop Travel Assist Membership
    • Medical Access Expense
    • Medical Assistance Level
  • With Hop Travel Assist Plans you won’t find Terms Like:
    • Insurance
    • Policy Maximum
    • Deductible

Please do note that though this is not an insurance product the travel assistance provided by the plans to USA Visitors and other international travelers covers medical expenses. The plans do make medical payment arrangements and also provide assistance from medical professionals or a healthcare provider to its members.

Hop! Mindoro requires members to contact Hop Assist within certain times to access the benefits and travel assistance requests.

  • Non-Life-Threatening Medical Assistance requires notification within 7 days of the first symptom.
  • Life-threatening Medical Assistance needs to be reported within 48 hours of the first symptom.
  • Travel Assistance requires notification within 24 hours of the incident

If in need of assistance, regardless of where you are (Geographical Location) the member should always contact the Hop Assist. All assistance is provided and administered by them.

It is open 24/7/365 days and operates in all the countries not sanctioned by the United States.

NOTE: Expenses rendered outside of Hop Assist are not eligible for benefits. Hop Assist must be informed of assistance services in order to access benefits. Members are advised to access Hop Assist for assistance services in order to access benefits

Hop Mindoro Additional Benefits in Detail

Being a member there are some additional features that can be accessed by you when traveling worldwide.

Priority Pass Airport Lounge Access:

While waiting for flights you need a comfortable and relaxing environment. With Priority Pass:

Members can access more than 1300 airport lounges in over 148 countries

Members can enjoy a complimentary

  • Snacks
  • Drinks
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Some other amenities…

The Hop! Assistance members can purchase it at a discounted price for up to 3 free visitors to airport lounges worldwide.

Access to Doctor Please:

This is a telehealth feature and can be used for any non-life-threatening condition.

Using this feature, Members can access medical care from the comfort of their homes.

Worldwide members can, from anywhere:

  • Schedule an appointment with a certified, trained, credentialed healthcare provider
  • Arrange medical care within 1 hour
  • The doctor will video or audio chat
  • If required the doctor will send a prescription to the nearest pharmacy (If prescriptions are not eligible expenses, it may require out-of-pocket expense)

Doctor Please! only provides access to and helps arrange the telehealth visits

Note: This is not an insurance product and is not insured by Tideview Risk PCC

As a visitor to the USA, you can carry prescription drugs with you into the USA.

VIP Airport Assistance:

This is a premium service, There may be a fee associated with this service.

This service is offered to travelers for a seamless and comfortable airport experience and provides a high level of luxury & personal attention.

It includes amenities such as

  • Exclusive lounge access
  • Assistance with baggage & check-In
  • Fast Track Immigration & Security
  • Private transportation to & from the plane


This is an assistance feature, not an insurance. In case of a Delayed flight (more than 90 minutes) with SmartDelay members can access a space providing

  • Comfort
  • Complimentary food
  • Complimentary Drink
  • Free Wi-Fi

What is Assistance Level?

The assistance Level is the maximum benefit payable by the membership. This is the maximum coverage the plan offers for medical expenses.

What is Medical Assistance Access Expense?

Medical assistance access expense is a non -refundable deposit that must be paid before the membership will begin to provide any assistance.

This is the initial amount the member needs to pay before the assistance starts paying

  • Higher Access Expense Lesser the Premium
  • Lower Access Expense Higher the premium

Standout Feature of Hop Mindoro – Hop Assist

A prominent feature of this plan is Hop! Assist, a dedicated service that facilitates direct billing with in-network healthcare providers on behalf of the members.

Hop! Assist operates 24/7 round the clock, providing prompt claims processing, emergency travel, and medical assistance accessible from any device, at any time, and from any location.

Hop Assist acts as a liaison between the member and in-network healthcare providers,

  • Handling claims processing
  • Verifying eligibility
  • Organizing emergency evacuation and repatriation services when necessary

Hop Mindoro Review

  • Total Maximum for all Accidents: $25,000, $50,000, $75,000
  • Medical Access Expense: $0, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500, $5,000
  • Maximum Period of Coverage: 364 Days
  • Eligibility: Available to people traveling worldwide outside their home country
  • Available to: Visitors to the USA who have not yet arrived in the U.S.
  • Minimum Purchase: 30 days

Key Benefits of Hop Mindoro

  • Coverage Worldwide Including the U.S
  • No Out-of-Pocket Payments
  • Coverage for Pre-Existing Conditions
  • Coverage for Acute Onset
  • 24/7 appointments (made by Hop Assist)
  • Stabilization of Conditions Covered
  • Cashless Guarantied via INF-Robin Assist
  • Specialist Billing Via Hop Assist
  • Telehealth Worldwide Via Doctor Please
  • COVID-19 Coverage
  • Travel Assistance Membership Package
  • 24/7 Medical Concierge
  • Choice of PPO
  • Cashless Prescription

Hop! Mindoro Pre-Existing Medical Conditions Medical Assistance

Hop TripAsssist Plus members receive medical assistance for both:

Under the membership, Pre-Existing Conditions Stable, Chronic which worsen during travel are eligible for benefits

As per the policy documents Pre-Existing Conditions are defined as an illness, disease, or other condition of the Covered Person in the 12-month period before the Covered Person’s assistance became effective under the policy

  • First manifested itself, worsened, Became acute, or exhibited symptoms that would have caused a person to seek diagnosis, care, or treatment; or
  • Required taking prescribed drugs or medicines or
  • Was treated by a doctor or treatment has been recommended by a Doctor

Pre Existing conditions are eligible for benefits as follows:

  • Non-Life threatening in Nature: Up to Pre-Existing Medical Assistance Level
  • Life-Threatening in Nature: Up to the Medical Assistance Level

Eligibility for Assistance Service Membership

Hop provides Travel assistance services to Members under various membership plans depending on the length chosen by members

  • This Assistance membership program is available to individuals traveling outside their home country
  • Hop Memberships are nontransferable and nonrefundable (After the membership’s effective dates)
  • A Hop! membership provides access to Hop! authorized affiliates only
  • An eligible person does not have the right to continue in the program if any services are used within the first period of the voucher validity
  • All arrangements for Medical Transport & Repatriation, Travel, Medical, Legal, And Personal assistance will be made by Hop!
  • This is a membership program and not an insurance plan
  • Hop! will not reimburse Members for any expense they incur on their own (Not arranged by Hop 24/7 concierge)
  • Members should also maintain appropriate health insurance in their home country that will provide for inpatient admission (if available to the Member)

Hop Mindoro Travel Assistance Features

Benefits of this Travel Assistance membership program:

Travel Assistance Features

Hop Mindoro Travel Assistance Features
  • Trip Cancellation (Optional): $10,000
  • Lost Baggage/Lost Bag Search (Optional): $1,000
  • Trip Delay (Optional): $600
  • Baggage Delay/Lost Baggage (Optional): $500
  • Missed Connection/Coordination (Optional): $500
  • Lost Passport & Travel Documents: Available $75 | $100 | $125
  • Hotel Rebooking: Available
  • Flight Rebooking: Available
  • Up-to-minute Travel Delay Report: Available
  • Emergency Cash Transfer: Available
  • Guaranteed Hotel Check-In: Available
  • Roadside Assistance: Available
  • Rental Vehicle Booking: Available

Security Assistance Features

Hop Mindoro Security Assistance Features

All the below Security Assistance Features are Available

  • Emergency Political and Security Evacuations: Available
  • Hijacking (any form of conveyance): $20,000
  • Kidnap for Ransom (Optional): $2,000
  • Assistance in case of Major Disasters: Available
  • Illegal detention and arrest (Optional): $1,000
  • General Travel Risk And Travel Security: Available
  • Malicious Product Tamper and Contamination: Available
  • Monitoring & Telephone advice throughout the crisis: Available
  • Assistance in mass Public Disturbances, Violent Terrorist, or Extremist Incidents: Available
  • 24/7 point of contact to report emergencies and get security and safety advice from the duty manager: Available

Medical Assistance Features

Hop Mindoro Medical Assistance Features
Hop Mindoro Medical Assistance Features
  • Commercial Airline – Including Medical Stretcher: $20,000
  • Air Ambulance: $50,000
  • Medical Equipment Rental & Replacement: Available
  • Physician, Hospital, Dental, and Vision referrals Via Hop Assist: Available
  • Medical Clearances & Fit to fly assessments: Available
  • Return Travel Arrangements: Available
  • Dispatch of Doctor or Specialist: Available
  • Shipment of Medical Records: $75
  • Arrangement of Visitor to Bedside: Available
  • Emergency Prescription Replacement: Available
  • In-Patient/Out-Patient Care Management: Available
  • Eyeglasses & Corrective Lens Replacement: Available
  • Medical Cost Containment, Expense Recovery, and Overseas Investigation: Available
  • Medical Payment Arrangements: Available
  • Medical Bill Audit: Available

Hop! Mindoro Medical Assistance Schedule

The plan offers three Options Viz $25,000, $50,000, and $75,000 Subscription Levels with varying

  • In-Patient Assistance
  • Out-Patient Assistance
  • Other Medical Assistance
Hop Mindoro In-Patient Assistance

In-Patient Assistance for $25,000, $50,000 & $75,000 Membership Level with Pre-Existing Conditions Assistance:

Hospital Room & Board:

  • $25,000: $2,700
  • $50,000: $3,900
  • $75,000: $4,575

Hospital Intensive care unit Room and Board:

  • $25,000: $2,100
  • $50,000: $2,650
  • $75,000: $3,300

Doctor Surgical Expenses:

  • $25,000: $2,000
  • $50,000: $3,000
  • $75,000: $4,000


  • $25,000: $500
  • $50,000: $1,500
  • $75,000: $2,500

Assistant Surgeon Expenses:

  • $25,000: $1,250
  • $50,000: $1,500
  • $75,000: $2,500

Doctor’s Non-Surgical Treatment/ Examination Expenses:

  • $25,000: $40/Visit, 1 visit/day, Maximum 10 visits
  • $50,000: $60/Visit, 1 visit/day, Maximum 10 visits
  • $75,000: $80/Visit, 1 visit/day, Maximum 10 visits

Pre-admission tests within 14 days before Hospital Admission:

  • $25,000: $950
  • $50,000: $1,000
  • $75,000: $1,050


  • $25,000: $950
  • $50,000: $1,000
  • $75,000: $1,050
Hop Mindoro Out-Patient Assistance

Out-Patient Assistance for $25,000, $50,000 & $75,000 Membership Level with Pre-Existing Conditions Assistance:

Surgical Room and Supply Expenses:

  • $25,000: $950
  • $50,000: $1,000
  • $75,000: $1,050

Hospital Emergency:

  • $25,000: $275
  • $50,000: $350
  • $75,000: $425

Doctor Surgical Expenses:

  • $25,000: $2,000
  • $50,000: $3,000
  • $75,000: $4,000


  • $25,000: $500
  • $50,000: $750
  • $75,000: $1,000

Assistant Surgeon Expenses:

  • $25,000: $500
  • $50,000: $750
  • $75,000: $1,000

Doctor’s Non-Surgical Treatment/Examination Expenses:

  • $25,000: $40/Visit, 1 visit/day, Maximum 10 visits
  • $50,000: $60/Visit, 1 visit/day, Maximum 10 visits
  • $75,000: $80/Visit, 1 visit/day, Maximum 10 visits

X-rays and Laboratory Procedures:

  • $25,000: $275
  • $50,000: $400
  • $75,000: $525

CAT Scan, PET Scan, or MRI:

  • $25,000: Additional $275
  • $50,000: Additional $400
  • $75,000: Additional $525

Prescription Drug Expenses:

  • $25,000: $75
  • $50,000: $100
  • $75,000: $125
Hop Mindoro Other Medical Assistance

Hop Mindoro Other Medical Assistance for $25,000, $50,000 & $75,000 Membership Level:

Ambulance Expenses:

  • $25,000: $375
  • $50,000: $4000
  • $75,000: $425

Rehabilitative Braces or Appliances:

  • $25,000: $500
  • $50,000: $550
  • $75,000: $600

Dental Treatment (Injury Only):

  • $25,000: $500
  • $50,000: $550
  • $75,000: $550

Pre-Existing Conditions:

  • $25,000: $1,750
  • $50,000: $2,500
  • $75,000: $4,500

Medical Assistance Additional Benefits:

Emergency Medical Evacuation Benefit:

  • $25,000: $5,000
  • $50,000: $10,000
  • $75,000: $15,000

Repatriation of remains Benefit:

  • $25,000: $5,000
  • $50,000: $10,000
  • $75,000: $15,000

Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit:

  • $25,000: $5,000
  • $50,000: $10,000
  • $75,000: $15,000
Hop Mindoro Medical Assistance

Medical assistance Access Expense:

  • $25,000: Medical Assistance Access Expense $0, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500, $5,000
  • $50,000: Medical Assistance Access Expense $0, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500, $5,000
  • $75,000: Medical Assistance Access Expense $0, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500, $5,000

Maximum Period of Membership:

  • $25,000: 364 days
  • $50,000: 364 days
  • $75,000: 364 days

Assistance Payment Rate:

  • $25,000: 100% of the usual and customary charges
  • $50,000: 100% of the usual and customary charges
  • $75,000: 100% of the usual and customary charges

Incurral Period:

  • $25,000: 90 days after the date of covered Accident or Sickness
  • $50,000: 90 days after the date of covered Accident or Sickness
  • $75,000: 90 days after the date of covered Accident or Sickness

Urgent Care:

  • $25,000: $25 Urgent Care Medical Access Expense
  • $50,000: $25 Urgent Care Medical Access Expense
  • $75,000: $25 Urgent Care Medical Access Expense

Hop! Mindoro Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hop Mindoro?

Hop! Mindoro is a Fixed Benefit travel assistance membership Program designed to solve travelers’ needs while they visit a new country outside their home country

Hop! Mindoro, Does it cover Pre-Existing Medical Conditions?

Yes, Hop Mindoro offers medical assistance for Pre-Existing Medical Conditions.

What does Hop! Mindoro Provide?

Hop! Mindoro provides fixed benefit medical assistance, Travel Assistance, and Security Assistance (including security and safety advice) to travelers and offers benefits for Trip cancelation, Pre-Existing Conditions, Cruise, and more…

What happens in case of Trip Cancellation?

In case you need to have to opt for trip cancellation, Hop! covers the penalties for canceling in advance a trip organized by a recognized professional tour operator known as

  • A Tour
  • Tour Package
  • Excursion
  • Air Ticket and Cruises

To be eligible for the Trip Cancellation benefits the member must:

  • Notify Hop! within 24 hours, of the cancelation
  • Must have Acquired the plan maximum of 72 hours after the first payment of tour service (that needs canceling)

Member must present all documentation pertaining to trip cancellation:

  • Motive of cancelation
  • Invoices & Payment Receipts
  • Respective paperwork of the service contracted

What happens in case of a Trip Delay?

In case of trip delay, Hop! will reimburse up to the maximum benefit if a member’s flight is delayed for at least 6 consecutive hours of the originally scheduled departure time and provided there is no other alternative form of transportation during this period.

  • Reasonable Accommodations
  • Traveling Expenses
  • Food and Communication charges incurred

What happens if there is Baggage Delay?

If the baggage is delayed it will be located and delivered to you.

Reimbursement will only be awarded if

  • Baggage is not located within 6 (six) hours from the arrival of the flight

No compensation will be awarded to the member if the delay or loss of luggage occurs:

  • On the flight back to the country where the ticket was issued
  • A connecting flight or the country of habitual residence

Hop! is always there for members

What happens in case of Lost Baggage?

The hop will compensate up to the maximum amount specified in the schedule of benefits.

The compensation is limited to one complete missed bag for a single member. If the baggage is in several beneficiaries’ names, Compensation is prorated between each ticket holder

In case the airline offers compensation for the lost baggage and asks the member to choose between

  • Receiving cash as compensation
  • One or more tickets as compensation

Once you agree to the option, then Hop! will pay the member economic compensation

The following conditions must be met in order to be compensated for lost baggage

  • Before leaving the airport (where baggage was to be delivered) The airline and the assistance center must have been formally notified of the lost baggage
  • The baggage is lost during transportation on a regular scheduled international flight. The benefit does apply when the loss originates on a
    • Domestic flight
    • Domestic flight abroad
    • Charter flight
    • Private or Military aircraft
    • Any flight that does not have a fixed itinerary published and operates regularly
  • The baggage must have been duly
    • Registered,
    • Labeled
    • Shipped in the hold of the aircraft,
    • Duly presented & delivered to the airline’s staff at the airport
  • You won’t be compensated for the loss of baggage
    • Considered as hand baggage
    • Transported in the cabin of the aircraft
    • Any package not properly registered with the airline
  • Losses that occurred during land transportation of any kind are not included in the coverage

What happens in case the Flight is Delayed or Canceled?

In case of a canceled or delayed flight, do not worry, Hop! Mindoro will help rebook your travel arrangements.

What are the various Hop! Travel Assist options for visitors to the USA?

The various Hop Travel Assist options are:


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