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  • INF Elite Plus IVAS provides coverage for pre-existing conditions that are defined in the plan.
  • The coverage is subject to policy limitations, exclusions, and maximums.
  • There is no waiting period for the coverage of pre-existing conditions.
  • The plan also provides preventive care benefits.
  • The preventive care benefits can be used for a variety of covered medical services.
  • To fully understand the coverage and terms of the plan, it is recommended to refer to the plan document.
  • A pre-existing condition is an illness, disease, or other condition of the Covered Person.
  • The condition must have occurred in the 12-month period before the Covered Person’s coverage became effective under the Policy.
  • The condition may have:
    • first manifested itself, worsened, became acute, or exhibited symptoms that would have caused a person to seek diagnosis, care, or treatment; or
    • required taking prescribed drugs or medicines, unless the condition for which the prescribed drug or medicine is taken remains controlled without any change in the required prescription; or
    • been treated by a Doctor or treatment had been recommended by a Doctor.
  • Eligible expenses for out-patient, specialist, urgent care, and in-patient services are covered for pre-existing conditions as well as for new sicknesses and accidents.
  • The coverage for eligible expenses is provided after the deductible has been met.
  • The coverage is subject to policy limits and benefit maximums.
  • The coverage is for medically necessary covered expenses incurred.
  • Coinsurance may apply.
  • The INF Elite Plus IVAS Plan provides coverage to non-US Residents traveling to the US, Canada, Mexico, or Worldwide.
  • The plan must be purchased before the start date of the trip and must be for at least 90 days and no more than 364 days, which is the Maximum Period of Coverage.
  • The plan provides coverage for visitors’ accident and sickness insurance.
  • The plan offers coverage for travelers in age range 0-99 years old.
  • Enrollment can be completed online, making the process simple and convenient for travelers.
  • The INF Elite Plus IVAS plan utilizes the United Healthcare Options PPO Network within the United States.
  • You may choose an in-network or out-of-network provider or facility.
  • Utilizing a United Healthcare Options PPO provider or facility affords you several benefits, including:
    1. Your insurance is acceptable to most participating providers and facilities.
    2. Providers are likely to bill the IVAS insurance directly, i.e., “Direct Billing” most of the time. This means you do not have to pay the entire medical bill and wait for reimbursement per the terms of the plan.
    3. Your copays and coinsurance are lower with in-network providers and facilities.
  • You may save money and hassle when visiting an in-network provider through United Healthcare Options PPO.

 PoLicy Maximum for Age 0-69 years


Policy Maximum for Age 70-99 years