ChoiceAmerica Insurance Review: The Best Limited Coverage Travel Insurance Plan for USA
ChoiceAmerica Insurance is one of the best-limited coverage plans currently available for visitors to North America. The ChoiceAmerica policy is an affordable, scheduled benefit plan providing optimal medical and travel protection for visits to the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Although the coverage may be viewed as simple or basic, ChoiceAmerica Insurance offers all the necessary travel protections at a reasonable cost which makes it a consistently outstanding plan.
Know the difference between Comprehensive Coverage and Fixed/Limited Coverage
Coverage Eligibility Requirements
Non-U.S. citizens, aged 15 days to 79 years old, who are traveling to the United States, Mexico, or Canada may qualify for ChoiceAmerica Insurance. One of the main stipulations is that the applicant cannot be a citizen or permanent resident of the host country where they will be visiting. Additional eligibility criteria are included in policy documents such as the Certificate of Insurance.
Coverage for U.S., Canada, and Mexico
Travelers can enjoy their visit to North America knowing their ChoiceAmerica Insurance plan will keep them safe from financial harm. You can purchase this amazing travel plan for trips lasting 5 to 364 days. ChoiceAmerica is the only travel insurance in the market that covers non-U.S. citizens and non-U.S. permanent legal residents while they journey throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico. There is no need to spend additional money on multiple travel policies when you can get everything you need with ChoiceAmerica Insurance.
Affordable Medical Benefits
ChoiceAmerica is a multi-purpose policy that includes both travel insurance and fixed medical benefits. This means a policyholder may receive inpatient, outpatient, or emergency medical services, as well as limited dental and vision procedures at a pre-defined cost during their trip. The predetermined medical costs are listed in your policy and clearly show the benefits available to you should there be a need for medical care while traveling. Visiting a healthcare provider who participates in the First Health PPO Network is the best way to maximize your benefits.
Pre-Existing Conditions, Sports, & Amusement Parks Coverage
ChoiceAmerica Insurance is also considered the best limited coverage plan because it incorporates an optional pre-existing conditions rider, along with adventure sports and amusement park injury protections. These are unique features that are usually overlooked by other travel insurance plans or are, in many cases, excluded altogether.
Border Entry Denials
Traveling through North America can be quite challenging for some individuals, especially if the traveler finds their journey halted at the port of entry. A denial of entry by border agents is very frustrating. Having to pay for a return flight home is an unplanned expense. Under the policy’s provisions, travelers in this situation will receive an economy-class ticket for air travel back to their country of origin. This safeguard is yet another reason why ChoiceAmerica Insurance is the best limited coverage plan money can buy.
Lost Passport & Other Travel Documents
All travelers worry about losing important travel documents such as their passports. However, travelers who purchase ChoiceAmerica Insurance find they no longer need to worry. That’s because ChoiceAmerica will reimburse you for qualifying expenses caused by the loss of your passport or any other important travel documents.
Other Unique Benefits & Features
ChoiceAmerica Insurance is a robust plan full of many unique benefits and features. In addition to the rider options mentioned above, travelers may also enjoy a dental accident benefit that’s automatically included in the plan. Plus, travelers will enjoy scheduled pharmacy benefits that will reimburse the insured’s costs after purchasing prescription medications from a pharmacy. Travelers may also access the ChoiceAmerica Insurance prescription discount savings program available at more than 35,000 participating pharmacies.
ChoiceAmerica also provides its customers the freedom to extend their coverage or cancel the policy early. ChoiceAmerica plans may be extended for a minimum of 5 days, with increments up to a 12-month maximum. If you decide to cancel your ChoiceAmerica Insurance early, for any reason, you’ll receive a full refund of the premium as long as you don’t have any claims.
ChoiceAmerica Insurance is the best limited coverage plan on the market today. ChoiceAmerica is a budget plan. The policy comes with an affordable premium price, yet it includes all of the most important travel benefits you will ever need. ChoiceAmerica Insurance policyholders are most delighted by the scheduled, one-of-a-kind coverage for medical services, lost passports, and border entry denials. Plus, ChoiceAmerica provides the option of purchasing extra add-on riders for pre-existing conditions, as well as adventure sports and amusement park injuries. ChoiceAmerica Insurance gives travelers tremendous peace of mind so they can enjoy their vacation.